Dee Why Chiropractor Treatments

Wrist sprain

A wrist sprain implies that there has been an injury to the stabilising ligaments of the wrist.


Wrist sprains are common injuries that are often the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand.

Sprains to the wrist vary in pain and severity from grades 1, 2 and 3 which involves:

  • Grade 1: Ligaments are over stretched
  • Grade 2: Partial tears of a ligament
  • Grade 3: A full rupture of one or more ligaments that may include an avulsion fracture, which is when a fragment of bone is pulled off with the ligament.


Symptoms of wrist sprains vary depending on the extent of the injury. Symptoms include sudden pain, tearing, popping and tenderness throughout the wrist. Swelling and bruising may also be visible in more serious injuries.


The treatment of a wrist sprain will depend on the nature and severity of the sprain. Contact your chiropractor or medical doctor for more information.
