Dee Why Chiropractor Treatments

Low back radiculopathy

Radiculopathy is the term used to describe dysfunction (changes in conduction) of a nerve root. A nerve root is the initial part of a nerve that leaves the spinal cord. Radiculopathy is used interchangeably with a ‘pinched nerve’ however this isn’t really correct because radiculopathy can occur without the nerve root being pinched. A spinal fracture, bone spurs, infection, trauma, tumour, diabetes and arthritis can cause radiculopathy. Indeed one of the most common causes of radiculopathy is from a disc herniation causing a nerve root to become pinched.


Radiculopathy involves sensory symptoms such as numbness and tingling, muscle weakness and changes in reflexes (sign). Pain is common (radicular pain).


The treatment for radiculopathy is depended on its cause, nature and severity.
