
Meet Meredith

Dr. Meredith Ruby D.C.

Growing up in the USA, Dr. Meredith always knew she wanted to work in healthcare but
only seriously became interested in chiropractic after attaining her Bachelor’s degree in sport
medicine at East Carolina University.

Her first degree provided a solid foundation to begin working with the body. The specific
knowledge she gained of the extremity system has continued to be utilized now within her
chiropractic scope.

Dr. Ruby acquired her doctor of chiropractic at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port
Orange, Florida. Learning the art, science and philosophy of chiropractic as well as the
Palmer package techniques. She moved to Australia in 2009, first living and working in
Sydney. Then both life and work took her to the Pilbara in Western Australia. Yet, she has
now come full circle returning to Sydney and residing locally in Balmain.

Dr. Ruby skills involve using diversified, Thompson, Sacro-Occipital technique (SOT),
activator techniques. She also finds added benefit to the patients, if indicated, to use
cranio-manipulative reflex technique (CMRT) and cranial therapies (both branches of SOT)
of which Dr. Ruby has a very special interest. She has found that using the combination of
techniques allow longer lasting effects whether it be to alleviate pain, maintain your health
or simply wellness care.

Meredith is a strong believer that our bodies tell us everything we need to know; we just
have to learn to listen. She also understands that health is individual, multi-faceted and
often complex. Which is why you will receive treatment tailored to your specific individual
needs. She enjoys treating all age groups with a wide variety of issues ranging from organ
reflexes, hips, ribs to the weird and unexplained aches and pains.

Dr. Ruby places an importance on her own health as she has set herself a goal of living
healthy to the age of 100. When she isn’t adjusting patients, she does stay active with
walking, running, yoga and being out in the sun. She also enjoys watching cooking shows
and trying new recipes with her partner.

With over a decade of experience in both a regional and city clinic setting she is looking
forward to maintaining a long, happy and healthy relationship with her local peninsula
community via chiropractic.

Favourite quote: “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease” -Hippocrates
