Dee Why Chiropractor Treatments

Cervical (neck) facet syndrome

Neck pain is a huge problem with an estimated 34% of the population experiencing neck pain at some point in their lives and 14% having ongoing chronic neck pain. Cervical facet syndrome implies someone is experiencing neck pain from the back (posterior) part (joints) of the neck. In the back of the neck, there are joints called facet joints. In facet syndrome, facet joints are the source of pain.


The symptoms of cervical facet syndrome typically involve tenderness at the back of the neck over the facet joints. Pain may also be over the muscles at the back of the neck. Movements that involve compressing the joints such as extension (looking up) and rotation (reversing car) will generally be painful.


Chiropractic treatment is useful in the treatment of cervical facet syndrome. Contact your chiropractor or medical doctor for more information.

