Dee Why Chiropractor Treatments

Golfers elbow

Golfers elbow is a condition of the elbow that causes elbow pain and discomfort. Golfers elbow affects the muscles and tendons on the inside of the elbow. Golfers elbow is called a variety of different names including:

  • Medial elbow pain
  • Flexor tendinopathy
  • Flexor tendonitis
  • Medial epicondylitis
  • Medial epicondylalgia
  • Medial epicondylosis.

Long term overuse or an acute forceful injury, such as lifting something too heavy, cause golfers elbow. Many golfers will get this condition, hence the name golfers elbow.


Golfers elbow results from repeated bending of the wrist and elbow. Golfers do get this problem, but certain manual jobs and occupations can also cause it. These include working at a computer, carpentry (building) or simply holding a new baby all day. Golfers elbow is very common in new mums and dads.


Symptoms of golfers elbow include tenderness and pain on the inside of the elbow and forearm. Pain is worse when gripping objects with the hand. Weakness is often also experienced in the wrist and forearm. Golfers elbow often comes on gradually, starting as a niggle and then becoming much stiffer, weaker and painful.


The treatment of golfers elbow is centred around reducing pain and then restoring strength and function. Chiropractic and rehabilitation treatments are useful in this condition. Rehabilitation exercises are necessary for a complete recovery.
