Dee Why Chiropractor Treatments

We see too many spinal cord injuries (SCI) in Australia and like all things prevention is better than cure. Education on the causes of traumatic spinal cord injury is the first thing we need to do in order to reduce their occurrence.

According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare spinal cord spinal cord injuries between 2007-2008 were caused by the following.

  • 22% driver and passengers of vehicles
  • 18% falls from a high fall (more than 1 metre)
  • 14% motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians on main roads
  • 10% fall from a low fall (lower than 1 metre)
  • 9% motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians off main roads
  • 9% collision with another person or object (sporting, leisure)
  • 9% water related
  • 8% other (shooting, stabbing, medical treatment).
